The Roadmap to Independent and Sustained Employment or RISE Program by Uplift Northwest is a comprehensive four-week training initiative designed to equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Through a blend of personal development and targeted job search training, participants gain essential skills and receive hands-on support to become job ready.

The Roadmap to Independent and Sustained Employment or RISE Program by Uplift Northwest is a comprehensive four-week training initiative designed to equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Through a blend of personal development and targeted job search training, participants gain essential skills and receive hands-on support to become job ready.

Training Structure
Over the course of four weeks, participants will dive into themes such as Growth Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Collaboration, and Workplace Skills.
Classes are held four hours a day, Tuesday through Friday, blending interactive activities with role-playing, group work, and projects. Friday’s sessions are devoted to job search skills, including resume writing, interview preparation, and more

Whether you are looking to boost your employability or make a fresh start, the RISE Program offers the tools, training, and support to help you succeed.
Enrollments are limited, so apply now! Applications will be accepted online on our website starting February 24.
Who is eligible to participate in RISE? Do I need any documents beforehand?
Anyone who is 18 years of age or older is eligible to participate. However, to receive a stipend and work for Uplift Northwest’s staffing agency, participants will eventually need to provide proof of employment eligibility documents.
How do I apply for RISE?
To apply for RISE, complete an application online or visit our building when applications are open. Applying does NOT mean acceptance into the program.
What happens after I apply?
Due to limited space, not everyone who applies for RISE will be accepted. Every applicant will be notified via email whether they will be accepted or not. Those who are accepted will be invited to attend orientation. Those who are not will be given information for other helpful organizations, and are free to apply for the following cohort.
Is there a way I can guarantee a spot?
No. Applications are reviewed in the order they are submitted. To increase the likelihood of being accepted into the program, it is recommended you apply as close to when applications open as possible.
What are the requirements to complete RISE?
Along with satisfactory attendance, RISE participants will be required to complete assignments (including quizzes) and routinely check in with their case managers. Participants who fail to do so, or show lack of engagement in class, may be exited from the program.
Do I have to complete RISE to work with Uplift Northwest?
Yes, completing RISE is necessary to work for Uplift Northwest. Along with completing RISE, employment is contingent upon a background check and providing proof of employment eligibility documents.
What if I miss a class? Can I still complete the program?
Training participants are expected to attend every class of RISE. One absence will be permitted with advanced notice and valid reasoning. Any further absences may result in being exited from the program.
When do I receive my stipend?
Participants will receive their entire stipend on the last day of class, following the graduation ceremony.
Will RISE help me find a job after completing the program?
Yes. During RISE, participants will be trained on how to search for jobs, build a resume, and how to interview for a job. After graduating from RISE, participants can either work through Uplift Northwest’s Staffing Solutions, or work with a case manager to obtain a job elsewhere.
What if I need additional support, like housing or case management?
Every RISE participant is assigned a case manager to support them. Upon completing the first week, all participants are eligible for support services such as housing assistance or enrolling in our Career Pathways (BFET) program.
I’m referred to by the City of Seattle’s Attorney’s Office for the Diversion program. What’s the process?
If applications are open, please apply and be sure to note that you are part of the Diversion program. Otherwise, contact the person listed on the letter you were given to by the City of Seattle. They will answer any questions you may have about diversion requirements, and schedule a time for you to come in.
How housing and employment support build pathways out of poverty
Josh was thrown out of his home at age 17, with no place to go and no family or friends for support. He wound up living on the streets, using drugs and committing petty crimes for nearly three decades. “I was bouncing around the country, lost,” Josh says. “Just surviving on the streets is a job in itself.”
A holistic approach to job training helps rebuild lives
“Programs that neglect emotional intelligence or collaboration skills, for instance, often leave participants unprepared for workplace dynamics,” says Lisa Sato, employment case manager at Uplift Northwest. (Uplift Northwest)
Graffiti Abatement Program Launch
Uplift Northwest has been working in partnership with Belltown United, Enactus City University of Seattle, and MID on a three-month pilot program to train Uplift Northwest workers on graffiti removal and safety. Our workers are then deployed 40 hours a week to over 10 buildings in the Belltown area to keep our city clean. Watch
Uplift Northwest Artist In Residence: Tia Nache'
Uplift Northwest has been working in partnership with Belltown United, Enactus City University of Seattle, and MID on a three-month pilot program to train Uplift Northwest workers on graffiti removal and safety. Our workers are then deployed 40 hours a week to over 10 buildings in the Belltown area to keep our city clean. Watch
New Pilot Program: Graffiti Abatement
Mayor Harrell & Uplift Northwest Relaunch Graffiti Program
Uplift Northwest has been working in partnership with Belltown United, Enactus City University of Seattle, and MID on a three-month pilot program to train Uplift Northwest workers on graffiti removal and safety. Our workers are then deployed 40 hours a week to over 10 buildings in the Belltown area to keep our city clean. Watch